
Beekes (Robert S. P.)

  • 1937–2017
  • scholars
  • (agents)
Dutch linguist and Indo-Europeanist.
Beekes, Robert S. P., “Keltisch in Nederland [incl. Appendix: De teksten in Caesars De bello gallico over de Menapiërs]”, in: Rijcklof Hofman, Bernadette Smelik, and Lauran Toorians (eds), Kelten in Nederland, 2nd ed., Utrecht: Stichting Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 2000. 43–68.

As honouree

Lubotsky, Alexander (ed.), Sound law and analogy: papers in honor of Robert S. P. Beekes on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 1997.


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